Stars and Yellow Moon: A First Book of Seasons coming September 4!

Introducing Joy In The Rain

Joy in the Rain is a Facebook group especially for homeschool moms but also for new parents, grandparents and friends to celebrate the wins – Large or Small.

  • When you and your child feel like a failure

  • When tears outnumber raindrops

  • When anxiety and worry are weighing you down

  • When you just need a dose of sunshine and joy

Joy in the Rain is your home of encouragement!

Why Celebration Only?

Just like blowing bubbles, seeing butterflies, or jumping in puddles, the simple things in life can help us take a moment to breathe, think of something positive and allow us to refocus on what’s important.

Each little win is a victory and as home educators, parents and grandparents, those victories not only provide the reminder we need to carry on, but after a while they add up to AMAZING kids.

I know, because mine are all grown now. At this end of the homeschooling single-parent process, I have 3 great kids and 3 amazing grandkids!

My tears watered gardens of joy and my wish for you is to be encouraged and to encourage each other as you go.